Sunday, May 11, 2008
Homer Simpson's Evolution.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Founding great new relations with the Islamic world.
Not that I really give a Rattus norvegicus' colon about Islam or pissing them off, but I can understand how they think the US is the "Great Satan" when fundamentalist crack-pots like this guy are the "spiritual advisers" of a presidential candidate.
For all the bullshit coverage of Obama's "problem" with Rev. Wright (a crap issue at that), it pales in comparison to McCain's endorsements from Parsley and Hagee. And McCain hasn't had to answer any questions on this at all! What hypocrisy! People like Rod Parsley are one of the reasons I will not be voting Republican this year. Spread the word on this, and maybe it will become known to more than the few who follow this intently.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bad Religion Frontman to be Honored

Thursday, April 24, 2008
'9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda
Inappropriate Corporate Logos

All Right! Now that's a logo to respect!
Hypocrisy on Florida License Plates

"It's not a road I want to go down. I don't want to see the Star of David next. I don't want to see a Torah next. None of that stuff is appropriate to me."
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Horrendous Astronomy

"...the effects-heavy "Impact" chronicles the aftermath of a meteor shower during which a piece of a dwarf star lodges itself in the moon. That triggers a series of anomalies on Earth, including cell phone service interruption, exaggerated tides and the occurrence of sporadic weightlessness. Astrophysicist Alex Kinter (Elliott), with a help of a female astronomer, discover that the moon has been dislodged from its orbit and is on a collision course with Earth."
*bangs head against wall, over and over again*
Simply terrible. On the humourous side, I find it funny that the first anomaly listed is interruption of cell service. The other two are potentially deadly. But oh no! I can't use my cell phone! The world is gonna end! Gah...what rot. We have become a truly phone obsessed society that will one day........ oops, hold on. I gotta take this call.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Documentary about scientific theory being repressed getting no hype.
I love Dawkins at the end, providing the reductio ad absurdum argument.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ms. John Lennon should be apalled.
First, there was the news that there sequence travelling through a cell is an almost exact clone of a film put together by Harvard and XVIVO. Only the colour of the animation changed. They even kept the music the same!
Now comes news that their use of John Lennon's song "Imagine", complete with the wonderful line "Imagine no religion" (which must infuriate the fundamentalist, creationist kooks who put together this film), is used in the movie. Many, including myself, have found it odd, and maybe a bit infuriating, that they somehow got the rights to use this great song for their hit-piece. Turns out, they didn't get the rights.
Please, Ms. Ono/Lennon, do the right thing and sue the pants off these people. They think they're above the law and then complain when they get called on their cheating/lying ways. It's time to put them in their place!
God must really hate black people
Barry and Marybeth Mosier were on their way to visit their son Keith, 24, in Kinsangani, Congo, with two younger children when their plane crashed on takeoff Tuesday in Goma. At least 36 people died as the plane plowed through a market and burned. Most of the people who died were on the ground, according to the U.N. mission in DR Congo.
…Mosier said, he and his wife were carrying their son Andrew, 3, in the shoving "mass of humanity" trying to escape the burning plane. They got out through the opening in the fuselage.
…"Outside the plane, she was wandering around. ... It was total chaos," he said. "People were screaming and yelling because the plane had landed on this market. All of a sudden, out of the blue, all of these people who were just standing there are now dead.
"So there's parts of bodies and people burning and people screaming and yelling, and she was out there by herself."
It sounds like a nightmarish event, and I'm glad they survived. I wish a few more people hadn't died horrible, painful deaths in such a catastrophe, but this was a family of despicable missionaries, so you know what's coming next.
"We couldn't believe that our family of four could all escape a plane that was crashed and on fire, but by God's mercy, we did," he said.
Mosier said he believes the family made it for a reason.
"I think the Lord has a plan for us, otherwise we wouldn't have survived," he said. "He still has work for us to do."
Their god has no mercy to spare for the innocent people in the market, of course, and their lives must have been totally useless for their god to be able to dispense with them in such a brutal fashion. Or perhaps they were wicked and deserved a flaming extinction with lots of fear and screaming?
In a just theistic world, I think their god would despise such smug, self-satisfied Christians.